Friday 10 February 2012

WE are part of the Green Economy: Let's Join the Conversation!

As I sit beside a man on the bus, reading my book and sipping my coffee, I slowly realize that this man and I have something in common. We are both part of the Green Economy. How do I know, you ask? For starters, we are both taking the bus- we have made the conscious decision to choose public transportation over driving our cars. Secondly, we are sipping our java out of a reusable mug. Not only have we made the decision to invest in our very own fancy travel mugs, but our mugs aren’t just collecting dust on the top shelf of our kitchen cupboards; we have decided to lug them around and do our part in reducing waste.
So what IS the Green Economy? I can best describe the Green Economy as a progressive shift from a consumption driven economy where our way of life thrives off self-interest, to a flourishing economy where individuals come together with thoughtful ideas and solutions aiding in our ability to take social action on pressing issues, creating a happy, healthy sustainable way of life; not only for ourselves but for future generations. As proposed within the Tragedy of the Commons, the Green Economy combines economic growth with environmental protection.
Alas, as I continue on with my bus ride, I fail to take the time to talk to the man beside me. A man I know nothing about, but happen to share two green commonalities with. Why didn’t I talk to him?? For all I know, he could have been the most inspiring and motivating person I have ever met, but I choose to keep to myself. This is the point in which I realize that the shift from a Brown Economy to a Green Economy depends on each and every one of us. We need to actively reflect on the notion of the Green Economy because as it begins to evolve, it will depend heavily on communication, collaboration and the collective. The sustainability of our planet depends on you and I. It includes you and I.

Take for example that for a 23 year old like me, this concept is fairly new but I am already itching to talk about it with anyone willing to listen. This is how we learn and this is what is needed in order to strengthen our growing Green Economy. By only becoming aware of this now I feel behind and I feel alone, however it soon becomes apparent, through collaboration and communication, that no one is an expert. No one knows everything there is to know about greening the economy or the planet, which is just fine; it's more educating this way!

Paul Born, a well-known leader in Community Conversations values the existence of sustainability within your own community. The ability to converse with those around you is an asset and can lead to social change.  Engaging in discussions about sustainability can bring like-minded people together and this is but one of many examples as to how changes are being made.

I truly believe that we have entered a stronger, more developed phase of the Green Economy, where people from all over the world are beginning to harness technological tools in order to engage and inspire the growth of our economy and the protection of our planet. For example, we are utilizing alternative forms of media such as micro blogs and blogs to further the dialogue existing around sustainability- we are joining the conversation!

We are included in the Green Economy because we have begun to successfully thrive off of communication, collaboration and the collective; these are the most valuable resources in a sustainable Green Economy.

Retrieved from:

* For more information on how the Green Economy includes you; visit the UNEP website, or the World Environment Day website.

Katie (Kathleen) MacDonald


    TWEET MY BLOG HERE:!/kmacdon3

  2. Great blog post Katie! I'll be sure to follow along to learn more. :)


  3. Such an informative and inspiring post! I agree, communication certainly plays a pivotal role in the creation of social change, including the advocacy for a 'Green Economy'. I encourage you to continue educating as many individuals as possible about this great cause!

